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Mistakes when developing mobile applications. Part 1

The development of mobile applications, like building a house, and designing a new car, has many nuances.

The basic rules are obvious: do not make a bad design, the interface should be convenient for users, there should be no bugs. At the same time, several errors are repeated again and again

In our experience, the following errors are the most common:

1. Too much functionality

We also worked with customers from Germany, differing, as usual, pedantry and attention to detail. They work like this:

Defined with an idea;
A week collects all the possible functions that can be implemented;
Another week throw away all unnecessary;
Start with one or two remaining points.

The criterion for selection is very simple. If the question “Can the user still solve the main problem without this function?” If the answer is yes, then the feature is discarded instantly without any thought.

The functionality of the mobile application at the beginning of development should be simple. The more features, the more difficult it is to develop a product. This means more time, more slowness, and a greater separation from the market.

The mobile application should be on the phones of users as quickly as possible. The sooner you begin to receive feedback from customers, the higher the chances of success. If this goal is achieved, it will not be difficult to refine the functions.

2. Ignoring the differences between iOS and Android

  1. iOS and Android are different operating systems. They have different approaches to design, navigation, monetization, and other aspects of the user experience.
  2. iOS and Android have different design principles
  3. IOS and Android navigation systems are significantly different

However, in addition to mobile development technologies, other aspects must be taken into account:

  • Android devices have physical navigation buttons, iOS devices – no;
  • The Android interface is built based on Material Design, which has a deep concept. The principles of the iOS interface are worked out, including taking into account the hardware features of the devices. They are described in detail in the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. These are completely different principles for building UI / UX;
  • These operating systems have a different audience that needs to be analyzed for each niche. For some applications, the distribution of OS types will be 50/50. For another 10/90;
  • Monetization is built in different ways. It is difficult for an Android user to sell a subscription, while advertising is much more patient. In iOS, deep sales are developed when a subscription is sold several times with increasingly advanced options;
  • iOS devices are updated massively, while Android versions are highly fragmented: more than 30% of devices use Android 5.0 and earlier, released before 2014.

These features can be ignored only at the very first test steps of the prototype when the hypothesis can be confirmed without creating full-fledged mobile applications.

3. Bad backend architecture

It often happens that design focuses primarily on what is visible. This is understandable and natural.

However, the backend — server logic, database structure, and a set of plug-in external services — are equally important.

At the same time, the selected programming languages ​​do not have much significance, you can make good software on any of the modern technologies.

The rationality of the server architecture is important. Please do not forget about this point, no matter how boring and distant it may seem.

4. Design for yourself, not for users

Mobile app design is one of the cornerstones of the entire product development process. This is the only visible part of the results of the whole work.

The most common design mistake is to adjust the interface to your taste. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand the audience: their emotions, tastes, principles of perception of the products and services that interest us. After that, we can offer them a good solution and test how efficiently it works.

When choosing an icon for an application, the Japanese, for example, do this. Three to five designers are invited to do their work, including audience analysis. Next, they purchase advertising leading to the landing page of the upcoming application using all these icons. Which one is more clicked on and that one is chosen.

In any case, people will use what they like, not you. The question is who quickly either guesses or creates the necessary emotions.

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